Webinar Series | The NLRB and the Changing Law

Image stating webinar series The National Labor Relations Board and the Changing Law June 2, 9, and 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

There is still time to register for this three-part series webinar! The National Labor Relations Board’s interpretation of the National Labor Relations Act typically changes through proceedings brought before the Board and more recently through federal rule making. Learn more about the Board’s recent rule making on the election process and joint employer rule, and examine the recent NLRB rulings that change the interpretation of the Act.

June 02 | The Role and Structure of the NLRB
June 09 | The NLRB’s Recent Rule Making to Change Policy
June 16 | The NLRB Case Decisions Changing Policy

Fee: $40 per session or $100 for all three

Register here.