“Latinx people are not a monolithic voting bloc. We need to stop analyzing them as such,” says Professor Armando Ibarra in his Progressive Magazine op-ed. “Latino voters are not a homogenous group; a complex interplay of class, generational perspectives, gender, and specific community concerns influence their political engagement. What’s more, the population’s growth has led to tensions between different groups within the Latino community, as well as between U.S.-born Latinos, naturalized citizens, documented immigrants, and undocumented immigrants. These tensions stem from several factors, including fear mongering and targeted misinformation campaigns about immigration from Latin American countries, competition for jobs and resources, conflicting attitudes toward LGBTQ+ communities, and differing experiences and perspectives on racial identity and integration into American society.”
Progressive Magazine | Who Won the Latinx Vote in 2024? It’s More Complicated Than That.
Op-ed written by: Professor Armando Ibarra