Labor Forward 11/15 with Kilah Engelke

November 15, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm

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empowHER Wisconsin was created to normalize the role of women in construction, support and retain women that are already in the industry, and recruit more women into union construction careers at all levels. Kilah will talk about the growth of the organization’s mentoring project and how they are creating positive change on worksites throughout Wisconsin. Kilah Engelke is a OPCMIA Local 599 Business Agent, Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council Secretary Treasurer, empowHER Board of Director, and Milwaukee Area Labor Council Board member.

Join us on the third Wednesday of every month at noon (CT) for the Labor Forward forum. At the forum, School for Workers faculty interview advocates of the labor/worker movement to highlight their important work, celebrate their progress, and learn from their unique experiences. The forum is free and pre-registration is required to receive the webinar link.