Special guest presenters Bucky Halker and Elise Bryant will be speaking/performing at the upcoming Building Solidarity: Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion through the Arts residential institute. Bucky is a folksinger, writer, rocker, scholar, labor songster, and alt-country twanger. Elise Bryant actor, singer, playwright, director, and labor educator.
Registration for the upcoming Building Solidarity: Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion through the Arts residential institute has been extended through Wednesday, March 15, 2023.
About the institute
Mar 20 – 21 | Mon – Tue, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Workers today face similar challenges as those before us – creating solidarity beyond boundaries, borders, sectors, and identities. Historically, the arts are a powerful tool to build bridges in organized labor. Through film, music, and art, explore worker struggles and discover tools to help create a diverse, engaging, and inclusive labor movement. The coal miners in Which Side Are You On?, Latin@ and women in Salt of the Earth, poor and migrants in The Ghost of Tom Joad, African Americans in At the River I Stand, and more are included in the program. Join us to examine the lessons of the past and how they can help us discover ways to use labor arts in our contemporary organizing and education.
Class Details
When: Mar 20 – 21 | Mon – Tue, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Where: Fluno Center (601 University Ave., Madison WI 53715)
Tuition: $580
Register by: Feb 17 Mar 15 (Registration extended!)
Room block closes: Feb 17
Class lodging: A block of hotel rooms are available for class participants to reserve on campus at the Fluno Center, located at 601 University Ave., Madison, WI 53715. Participants are responsible for arranging their own lodging and parking. We encourage you to secure your lodging soon after registering for your class to ensure a hotel room for your stay in Madison. To reserve your room call the Fluno Center directly at 608-441-7117 and reference your institute for the block rate. If you need parking, inform the center when you book your room.