Historical photo gallery

Black and white group photo of students standing in front of building
1934 – Summer School for Workers in industry
Black and white photo of seven students sitting around a table with notes
1938 – WPA project – develop native rural peoples culture, first in nation
Black and white photo of group of students standing in front of brick building
1945 – Co-op and Labor Institute
Black and white photo of large group of students sitting and standing on stairs posing for picture
1946 – Industrial relations institute for church leaders
Black and white photo of man writing on black board with a group of women in dresses standing around the blackboard to listen
1953 – ILGWU institute
Black and white photo of group of students sitting a long table looking at a man writing on blackboard
1954 – Learning about union dues Waukesha
Black and white photo of a woman and man holding and looking at papers together
1957 – Jean Castro Cajiwat, Philippine labor leader, with School for Workers instructor Bertram Gottlieb
Black and white photo of a man and two women sitting with two men standing behind them, all looking at a document
1961 – AFT institute
Exhibit board about School for Workers
1938 – Exhibit at Lacrosse
Black and white photo of a group of adult students posing for photo outside of a brick building
1944 – Business Representatives institute
Black and white photo of woman writing on blackboard with students sitting in auditorium listening
1945 – Mary Lou Rogers and organizational methods – ILGWU institute
Black and white photo of group of men standing on stairs in front of two pillars posing for photo
1947 – Industrial relations institute for church leaders
Black and white photo of nine students sitting in grass listening to a woman standing in front of them
1954 – Group photo on the lawn, CWA institute
Black and white photo of group of students sitting in chairs looking toward a man sitting at a table and a woman writing on the blackboard
1956 – Virginia Hart teaching Education and Publicity Workshop
Black and white photo of group of men standing on stairs outside of building posting for photo
1958 – AFL-CIO Time Study Institute
Group of men and women standing on the stairs outside holding a sign that says "School for Workers AFT University of Wisconsin Summer 1963"
1963 – AFT Institute
Black and white photo of six individuals standing around a table
1938 – WPA project – develop native rural peoples culture, first in nation
Black and white photo of students sitting in chairs on a patio listening in class
1945 – Afternoon class on the porch – ILGWU institute
Black and white photo of students and teachers posing outside
1945 – Teachers Seminar
Black and white photo of group of men in suit jackets and ties posing for photo in front of glass building
1949 – AFSCME institute with Jerry Wurf at front right
Black and white photo of twelve students sitting around a long table with notebooks and two men standing behind them
1954 – Labor legislation class in Ripon
Black and white photo of a woman writing on blackboard with four students standing to the right looking
1957 – Costing insurance CWA institute
Group of men standing, writing in notebooks, watching one man at a machine
1960 – Time study
Black and white photo of large group of women students posing on stairs outside with two men in the front row
1963 – ILGWU institute